When to Speak Up for Your Care

Speak Up for Plain Speak

When doctors use medical terms, patients tend to listen and nod, even when they don't understand. Don't be too proud to say: "Everything you're telling me is so important! Please use non-medical words I know."

Speak up about Drug Costs

When the cost of medication is unaffordable, patients tend to skip doses or not take at all. Doctors want to know that the meds they prescribe work for you and your budget. Don't be too proud to ask about the cost and any cheaper options.

Speak up about your Diagnosis

Most diagnosis are accurate but not ALL, and doctors are people too, which means they can be wrong. If you feel that 'intuition' nagging feeling in your stomach or the information you are given seems off, speak up and ask, "What else could it be?" Ask what markers of your condition lead to the diagnosis given.

Speak up for a Safe Discharge

About 20% of patients are back in the hospital within 30 days. Why? No help during recovery! When patients are discharged, they are not 100% – don't be too proud to ask. Helping hands can help prevent a round trip!

Need help speaking up?

We're here to help you find your voice - and be heard! Good communication with your doctors is essential for getting your best care - the care you and your loved ones deserve!


5 “Magic” Words when you Speak Up


Sometimes things fall through the cracks in health care. Trust. But Verify.